Categories: Business & Tech News

American Boarder Guards Need To Lighten Up – Brits Stopped From Entering US Because of Humorous Tweet

“Two travelers from Britain were prevented from entering the US last week after Homeland Security officials feared one of the pair, 26-year-old Leigh Van Bryan, might follow through with one of his tweets. Prior to leaving the UK, Leigh had tweeted that he was going to “destroy America.”

The offending tweet read, “Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America?”

Even though Leigh explained to officials at Los Angeles international airport that the word “destroy” in this case was British slang for “party”, they were having none of it and threw him and his friend, Emily Bunting, 24, in a cell for 12 hours before sending them back to Europe the following day.

Further complicating matters was another tweet—a quote from the hit comedy Family Guy—which suggested he might “dig up Marilyn Monroe”.

According to Leigh, that tweet had officials looking through his baggage for a shovel and asking his friend whether she was going to act as a lookout while Leigh dug up Monroe…”




Published by
Ian Matthews

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