SOLVED: When I Call Some From My Android 4.0.3 Samsung Galaxy S3 I Get My Cell Phone Voice Mail

Ok… this was weird.  If you make an outbound call on your Samsung S3 (running Android 4.0.3 or newer) and after about 1 ring, your S3’s voice mail picks up AND this behavior does NOT happen from other land lines or cell phones you likely have accidentally enabled CALL REJECTION (a new feature to Android 403).  Even worse, after setting CALL REJECTION to OFF, the problem still exists… you have to specifically delete the numbers from the list.

It appears that the OFF setting for CALL REJECTION does not work and the S3 is rejecting both inbound AND outbound calls to numbers in the CALL REJECTION list.  These smell like bugs to me.  To fix this:

  1. Click your green PHONE ICON
  2. Click the setting menu button (touch button to the left of the large home button)
  5. Click AUTO REJECT MODE and set it to OFF
  6. Click AUTO REJECT LIST and delete the numbers in that list


Published by
Ian Matthews

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