SOLVED: When I RIGHT CLICK the START BUTTON Nothing Happens in Windows 8.1

If you right click on the START button but do not see a context menu you likely have corrupted or missing folder:


The solution is just to copy this folder (and its three subfolders) from a working machine.  In my case, I was able to copy these files from a different Windows profile that was not experiencing the problem.

Also, in case you have not figured this out yet, you can customize your right click menu by making changes to:




View Comments

  • I have the same problem and solve it with just restart the windows explorer form Windows Task Manager.
    Thank you

    • I have been searching for days for a solution to my right click not working on the start menu in windows 10. NOthing has worked until I simply followed your suggestion to restart windows explorer from task manager. This fixed it right away! THANK YOU!!!!!!

    • Perfect, easy as pie. Thank you. ctrl+alt+delete, task manager, right click windows explorer and select restart. Worked like a charm.

    • Restarting the Windows Explorer from Windows Task Manager worked for me as well. Thanks, I was freaking out.

      Any idea what is causing this issue?

  • you can try to just cerate these folders and place a few shortcuts to programs there. The original is nothing else.

    To get the original layout, create a second user on your system and copy them from his folder.

    Either copy them directly(needs admin rights I guess) or over a folder that can be used by both users.

  • Where am I going to find these folders when I am a lone user not at a business? thanks.

    • Ya... that's a problem. I would ask a friend or even go to your local computer store and just copy the files onto a memory stick. Most large retailers have such bad service they will not even notice you their and a small retailer will likely help you :)

  • In my non-admin profile I have the WinX folder with the three subfolders Group1, Group2 and Group3 with contents. Neither the left click or right click of the Start button does work at moment. I have noticed that the problem occurs after I visit YouTube.

Published by
Ian Matthews

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