Categories: Windows Server

SOLVED: How To Create a CAPTURE Boot Image in WSUS

If you have already got a deployment image in your Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) then you likely will want a CAPTURE IMAGE so you can collect the Operating System from a SysPreped PC.  This is easy to do:Launch WSUS

  1. Expand your server > BOOT IMAGES
  2. Right click on the appropriate boot image (i.e. Windows Setup (x64) – 1803) and select CREATE CAPTURE IMAGE
  3. On the METADATA AND LOCATION screen click the BROWSE button, select a location and type the file name for WSUS to create the image
    1. We just use the Desktop
    2. Note that the IMAGE NAME and IMAGE DESCRIPTION have no bearing on the usage so name things as you would like but we highly recommend using the word CAPTURE in the name so you can tell it apart from your existing deployment boot images
  4. After the file is created (can take 10 mins) note the small IMPORT INTO WSUS check box at the bottom and import it into WSUS

At this point you are done but we always like to keep things clean so we delete the WIM file created in step 4 above.

Published by
Ian Matthews
Tags: wsus

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