SOLVED: Exchange Management Console – Attempt to connect to using “Kerberos” authentication failed

If you are able th launch the Exchange Management Console (EMC) but see the following error when you attempt to expand a segment, we have the solution:

“The following error occurred while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server ‘http://server.domain;

The Attempt to connect to http://server.domain/PowerShell using “Kerberos” authentication failed: Connecting to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WS-Managment Service cannot process the request


The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified

The easy fix is to delete a file and registry entry:

  1. Close the EMC if you have it open
    1. if it will not close, just log off and back on
  2. Navigate to C:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC and delete the Exchange Management Console config file
  3. Launch REGEDIT;
  4. Locate HKCU> Software > Microsoft > Exchange Server > <v14> > Admin  > Tools> and delete the key NodeStructureSettings
  5. Log off and back on

The EMC should now function properly now.


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Published by
Ian Matthews

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