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Desktop or mobile device? The safe ways to play casino games online

These days, smartphones and other mobile devices are almost like having a computer in your pocket. With the latest technologies always moving forward, smartphones are better than ever – and have the potential to have the same level of experience when it comes to graphic quality, processing speed and sound as on a desktop like a PC.

More people than ever are loving to play their favorite games while on the go. And considering you can’t drag a desktop with you ever, a mobile device is the perfect way to enjoy entertainment at a high quality while on a commute, at a friends or during breaks at work. Even from the comfort of your sofa!

But whether you’re shopping online or playing games like poker, it’s important to stay secure. Hacking has become more common than ever and can put you at risk of sharing sensitive information with the wrong people. Which includes everything from your health info, to payment data, intellectual property and so much more. The risks are high – you could be losing out on money, data and goods too. Or be subject to spam from companies who want to sell their products to you.

The all important question is: is it more secure to use a mobile device or a desktop?

The Security Benefits of Using Mobile

You might be surprised to know that, despite their size, mobile devices are actually much more secure than desktop computers. Here are some reasons why.

Separate Accounts for Apps

On a smartphone, you can manage different accounts for different users. If one user happens to have an app that’s been targeted or infected, it than won’t go on to spread it to the other apps without permission.

Downloading an app that has been infected on your desktop puts the entirety of the device at risk — even if you remove the virus.

Verification Codes

Smartphones usually require sign-in codes that only you know at various stages of make purchases or using apps. The strict (but often quite simple) verification methods mean that you’re being protected from a potential hacker each time you use your device or make payments. The same verification checks are not so readily available on PCs.

IP Address

An Internet Protocol (or IP) address is always created when your computer is connected to the internet, showing where you’re located. This makes it simple for hackers to view your location. Mobile devices don’t show IP addresses, making you much safer than if you were using a PC.

But even if you’re playing on a mobile device instead of a desktop computer, there’s still some things that you should keep in mind so that you’re playing games safely. Here are the top tips from experts on how to enjoy your favorite games while staying secure.

Play at Sites With a Good Reputation

One of the first ways that you can ensure you’re getting the best level of security – and not risking your valuable data – is to play one casino websites with a strong reputation. Brands that are well known are usually a great place to start, as they’re under very particular regulations and will be consistently updating their security settings.

Do your research before signing up to a website, read online reviews and ensure that whatever site you’re choosing to play at has the proper licenses in place.

Check the Security in Place

This tip applies to all websites. You want to always be checking the security measures of the places that you’re accessing online. One way of doing this is to check out the HTTPS in the address bar, which will let you know that you’re accessing a connection that is secure.

Keep an eye out for privacy policies too!

Use Strong Passwords

Another tip that’s good safety etiquette when online is to always use strong passwords, which will help to protect your account. A combination of special characters, numbers and letters is recommended. Avoid using words that can be guessed or things that relate to you personally that people can find out – like family member or pet names and birthdays.

It’s recommended that you update and change your passwords across your accounts regularly (which should be different, depending on the account). And never share your password with anyone else. Set reminders in your calendar to change your password to give you the best chance of avoiding it being compromised.

Too Good To Be True?

If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious of anything that proposes to be free or asks you to share information. Always do your research, read reviews and stay savvy.

When in Doubt, Choose Mobile Over Desktop

As we mentioned at the start, it’s safer to play on your mobile or smart device than it is to play on the desktop on Windows. That’s because of all the varying security features that we mentioned.

Playing games on your mobile is also an accessible and enjoyable way to experience this great form of entertainment – which is an added bonus to the safety measures that are in place.

Published by
Pat Wilkenson

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