SOLVED: ERROR 0X0C004F074 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated

If you are struggling to activate your Windows Server and see
ERROR 0X0C004F074 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated
we have the answer.

What does error is probably trying to tell you is that The server is trying to connect to a key management server rather than directly to Microsoft to activate the license. Company does not have a KMS (Key Management Service) and most don’t, you need to reconfigure the server to accept a MAK (Multiple Activation Key) that talks directly to Microsoft.

How To Change From a KMS License To a MAK License

  1. Launch a PowerShell as an Administrator
  2. Type slmgr.vbs /dli and notice that the DESCRIPTION shows VOLUME_KMSCLIENT CHANNEL
  3. Type slmgr.vbs /ckms (which clears the Key Management Service setting)
  4. Type slmgr.vbs /ipk KEY-KEY-KEY-KEY-KEY to install your key
  5. Type slmge.vbs /ato to activate it
  6. Have a nice day!

Published by
Ian Matthews

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