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Writing about Tech Trends in 2019

Technologies continue developing and go on changing human lives. This article describes 11 most important tech trends of the year 2019.

Writing about 11 Main Tech Trends of 2019

The professional college homework helper from shared his thoughts about technological trends of 2019.

Automation Level: Increased

Soon, new apps and instruments performing routine jobs with no mental efforts required will be in use. Such automation can speed up solving of job tasks and make it simpler for employees to complete their daily responsibilities.

Blockchain Comeback and AI Strengthening

The year 2018 was terrible for blockchain, but in 2019, there will surely appear new apps, and some companies may even make a real breakthrough. The artificial intelligence will go on developing itself. Analysts from Forbes predict this technology to be used not only for advertising purposes, unmanned vehicles, and search systems, but to enter many other fields and offer solutions for ongoing problems and tasks.

Better Interaction Between AI and Humans

In future, people will doubtfully be able to refuse using artificial intelligence, as it provides them with great possibilities in the field of programming. Still, some companies rely on it too much: they let it participate even in branches where it should not be used. For instance, firms already use AI for recruiting. The use of unstructured and probably biased data leads to a doubtful result.

In 2019, companies will concentrate on shaping more systemized data assets. Additionally, the understanding will come: you cannot give AI too much power in decision-making. That is why companies will start teaching their employees to work together with the AI.

Connected Device Use Cases Expanded

Things look like in 2019 there will appear more household and business devices. This fact will make us closer to the creation of the interconnected smart system which will improve the quality of life and make jobs simpler.

Augmented Reality in Most Apps

Augmented reality is the definitely trendy technology. Nowadays, they actively use it to develop games and entertainments, mainly for mobile devices. In 2019, augmented reality technologies will go on expanding on the market, but this time, they’ll find more practical use for everyday life. With time, developers will understand how to use this technology better. This means, the AR will get integrated into most applications.

AI and Machine Learning to Improve Cyber Safety

The upcoming year will be significant for the world of technologies. Today’s tendencies show that more and more attention is paid to cyber safety measures: to maintain more reliability and data security, they use machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies which allow predicting cyberattacks and countering them. Taking into account the constant improvement and self-learning of these trends, they’ll be much faster to react to online threats in future.

New Role of Technologies

In 2018, everyone witnessed how the perception of technologies in human minds got changed: media were just crowded with articles and researches on the topic of negative influence technologies have on our society, relations, democracy, etc. Still, nobody ever tried to find the alternative solution to replace technologies or at least offer how to regulate their use. So, in 2019, many things people use will probably get changed completely.

Technological Convergence

Humanity stands on the edge of a remarkable technological revolution. Everyone knows such trends as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and augmented reality. Still, though they have quite impressive possibilities, they are just separate “players” for today. The convergence of all these technologies, which is about to become real in the nearest future, will help them achieve stunning results. Probably, the mix of these technologies will enter everyday lives of humans to increase their productivity in work tasks and daily routine activities.

Augmented Analytics Using Text Generators

Augmented analytics using natural language generators (NLG) will completely change our perception and analysis of data. With their help, the preciseness of gained information will increase, while organizations and experts will be able to complete more in-depth analyses of the data gathered for them.

Informational Safety Gains More Attention

The year 2019 is about to become the year of data security. At this very moment, most companies are focused on getting as much data as possible but forget to take care of their own data. So, massive data leakages will continue and companies will start creating data security departments or ask outsourcing companies for such services.

E-commerce Spreading

E-commerce allowed significant improvement and simplifying of purchase processes. With its help, people can buy required goods much easier, quicker, and more comfortably. In future, the number of people using the Internet to order goods will only grow and the process of purchasing will turn from a boring time-taking routine to a “one-click order” event.


Published by
Ian Matthews

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