If you are trying to RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to a remote computer or use SMB (Small Message Block) to connect to a remote share on your home network, using your Microsoft Account, you may be frustrated that you cannot connect.
The problem is most likely that you are not specifying the domain and that gets to the question of what is the name of the domain used in a Microsoft account. The answer is pretty simple, it is MicrosoftAccount, which makes your full username: microsoftaccount\email .
In the example below you can see that the user is MicrosoftAccount\cabinfevero@yahoo.com

When trying to use a Microsoft account to connect to a remote computer, if can be frustrating if you don’t know the username and password to enter.
Also note that if you have are trying to RDP to a remote computer on your network that:
- Remote Desktop must be enabled on that remote computer
- Network Level Authetication must be enabled on the remote computer:
Start menu > Settings > System > Remote Desktop > Click the down arrow and uncheck the option "Require computers to be network-level"
- The remote computer might need to have User Access Control disabled