Office365 Services on an E3

SOLVED: List of Office365 Service Names

If you are trying to make changes to Office365 using PowerShell you are likely to need the list of services.  As of November 15, 2019 the Office365 services list from an E3 and the PowerShell command to generate it is: PS C:\Windows\system32> (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName “<upn – likely the email address>”).Licenses.ServiceStatus.serviceplan|select […]

command line script to uninstall office365proplus

SOLVED: Command Line To Uninstall Office365 Pro Plus

PROBLEM: For several years we have uninstalled Office using a command like: \\cal-s2\office365$\Office365ProPlus\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \\cal-s2\office365$\uninstall-Office365ProPlus.xml but it now errors out with: Office Deployment Tool SETUP [mode] [path] SETUP /download [path to configuration file] SETUP /configure [path to configuration file] SETUP /packager [path to configuration file] [output path] SETUP /customize […]