If you’re working with a Asigra backup and you launch the DS Classic client, you might see this error:

Asigra DS Client Classic - Javaw.exe That This Shortcut Refers To Has Been Changed or Moved

This likely resulted from your Java runtime being updated and you either need to recreate the shortcut or adjust the path.

PATH FIX - Asigra DS Client Classic - Javaw.exe That This Shortcut Refers To Has Been Changed or Moved

Asigra does not use traditional shortcuts; it is just a Java app. The path to the Classic DS Client is:

"C:\Program Files\Java\{JAVA VERSION}\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx200m -jar "C:\Program Files\CloudBackup\DS-Client\dsuser.jar"

So in my case the path was:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx200m -jar "C:\Program Files\CloudBackup\DS-Client\dsuser.jar"

If you want to use an pretty Asigra “C” icon, you use the CHANGE ICON button and set the path to



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