How Is Windows Built / Developed

“…It is tempting for some to think of Windows as one entity or group, or for some to think of Windows as just a set of specific people. Sometimes someone speaks at a conference or has a blog, and that comes to represent the product for you. In reality, Windows […]

Alternatives to Symantec Backup Exec

Well, I have had enough of BackupExec.  Its really too bad that Symantec’s combination of high pricing and brutal technical support wait times and driven Veritas’ excellent product into the ground… but that is where I find it.  As such I have been researching a few other products and this […]

The Work World of 2020 Will be Loose Fitting

From HP & Gartner Group We’re always trying to see into the future, imagining what our world will look like, ten, twenty, a hundred years from now.  In August 2010, industry analysts Gartner, Inc. released their predictions for changing trends in the way we will work over the next ten […]