male child game computer 3 screens

How to Stop Your CPU from Overheating

A gaming computer or laptop that runs at a high temperature is not simply annoying. That heat can actually harm the components within the computer and detrimentally affect the computer’s efficiency or even shorten its life. Thanks to the high-intensity of the CPU market, you can always find a brand […]

Office365 Services on an E3

SOLVED: List of Office365 Service Names

If you are trying to make changes to Office365 using PowerShell you are likely to need the list of services.  As of November 15, 2019 the Office365 services list from an E3 and the PowerShell command to generate it is: PS C:\Windows\system32> (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName “<upn – likely the email address>”).Licenses.ServiceStatus.serviceplan|select […]

stop clean all diskpart command operation is not allows on a disk that is in the process of being cleaned

SOLVED: How to Stop a CLEAN ALL Command in DiskPart

Diskpart is Microsoft’s disk partitioning command line tool and while it works well, it does not provide some protections from self inflicted wounds.  One common DISKPART command to wipe a disk is CLEAN. CLEAN removes the volumes and partitions along with changing the first letter of every file to a […]